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What is Sananga and what makes it special?

Amazonian tribes have always found ways to take great care of themselves and prevent many health issues. They rely on natural resources, such as plants, to try and create very good, dependable and easy to use remedies. Sananga is one of the most prevalent, but also a very accessible remedy that comes in the form of eye drops.

What is Sananga?

At its core, Sananga is a traditional medicine used by tribes in Peru and Ecuador, but also many others as well. It comes in the form of eye drops and the main focus is to treat eye disease and also boost your eyesight. What’s important to note is that Sananga also has a spiritual role, since it can help you cleanse the bad energy around you as well.

The historical significance of Sananga

It’s very hard to pinpoint when Sananga was used first, but we know that these Amazonian tribes have relied on Sananga for millennia. The Sananga plant itself is considered to be a sacred plant, to the point where shamans are using it in their ceremonies for different purposes. They rely on it for vision quests, spiritual growth and healing.

An interesting fact about Sananga is the fact that this medicine is used alongside other medicines like Rapé or ayahuasca. It can help bolster their effects and enhance the overall experience. While Sananga is widely known for its eye drop form, it can also be used to aid people that have severe headaches and other physical ailments.

Although Sananga originates from the Amazonian tribes, many westerners have gotten a hold of it and learned the recipe. That’s the reason why you can find commercially-made Sananga, presented in the form of a natural alternative. Despite that, Sananga’s true recipe remains a secret that only shamans know and that’s why it can be hard to replicate outside of these tribes.

Understanding the true power of Sananga

Sananga comes with exceptional powers, one of them being emotional and physical healing. It has exceptional healing properties when you apply it in the form of eye drops. Its main role is to help deliver relief from inflammation, headaches, eyesight problems and even sinusitis. Another important aspect behind Sananga is that it will help you deal with emotional blockages. That’s the reason why some people say it has a psychoactive effect upon administering it.

However, that also means Sananga can be used to help deal with trauma, any emotional blockages and other similar problems. It’s also known for helping people develop their spiritual awakening, while delivering a great sense of introspection. Once you try the Sananga treatments, you will experience a sense of clarity. Plus, it does help you boost your meditative practice, while heightening your senses.

Amazonian tribes use Sananga to help acquire a fresh, new vision and perspective from both a metaphorical and physical standpoint. Since this treatment is said to be very powerful, it might not be for everyone. Yet healers and artists in particular find it to be extremely dependable and useful for their particular needs.

How do Amazonian tribes prepare Sananga?

The interesting thing about Sananga is that it’s not very difficult to prepare it. Generally, you will start by acquiring the bark and roots of the Tabernaemontana Undulata plant. Once you have them, you will need to mix it with water. After you combine these, you will have a liquid that needs to be filtered and strained. The eye drops get prepared via diluting the liquid. Ideally, you want to use water as the means to dilute this liquid, as it won’t affect the overall efficiency of the resulting Sananga.

It’s very important to keep in mind that’s the old, classic way of preparing Sananga, and the one that Amazonian tribes use. As we said, there are also people that prepare Sananga for commercial use, and they use powdered or freeze-dried Tabernaemontana root bark. Then they mix it with water to create those drops. The benefit here is that you have a faster way of preparing Sananga, even if it’s not the same. It can be very difficult to compare modern and traditional Sananga, but many feel the traditional one has a better result, especially since it’s made with fresh and natural ingredients.

Why is Sananga so powerful?

When you think about the power behind these eye drops, one of the thoughts that come to mind is why are these so effective and powerful? It all comes down to the compounds and chemicals found within the Tabernaemontana Undulata plant. This plant has tabernanthine, voacangine and Ibogaine. All of these chemicals are very efficient and each comes with its own benefits.

Ibogaine in particular is the one that has a psychoactive effect, it’s an alkaloid that helps deliver mental clarity, an immunity boost and pain relief.  These ingredients have never been replaced, and for a very good reason. Shamans saw that yes, you can have excellent results with the current version of Sananga, while also not having to encounter any downsides.

It’s safe to use Sananga, as long as it’s administered properly. Shamans are not using it on nursing or pregnant women. It’s also important to note that people with eye injuries or diseases might not be the ideal person to use Sananga on either. Sometimes medical conditions can also end up being an issue and you can’t take Sananga because of that.

How do you feel upon taking Sananga?

The interesting thing about Sananga is that every individual will feel a different way. It comes down to the dosage, but also if you experienced Sananga beforehand or not. Most people say there’s a burning/stinging sensation in/around your eyes. Others however said that there’s a tingling or even warm sensation throughout the entire body.

However, they confirm that once you experience Sananga, you will have a boost in energy levels, more focus, but also a sense of clarity. All these things can help you get past a variety of health problems, while still delivering a much-needed way to counteract health issues that can sometimes arise.

It’s very hard to confirm this, but a lot of people that took/experienced Sananga said this treatment comes with psychological and even some emotional benefits. They claim that Sananga can help promote a sense of personal transformation and growth. While it’s hard to pinpoint and understand any spiritual and personal growth benefits, a lot of people that experienced Sananga feel more inclined to say that it’s a very powerful treatment and one that can deliver exceptional benefits.

Is there any need for Sananga post-care?

Amazonian tribes don’t really focus on any type of Sananga post-care, they just take it, experience its benefits and then move on with their day. Commercial Sananga recipes might need some post-care. That’s because we don’t have the same lifestyle and health that Amazonian tribes have, so in many cases, we will need some post-care.

In this situation, you will need to focus more on meditation, maybe even some journaling. When it comes to physical care, things like resting properly for at least a day and staying hydrated can be the logical steps. It will provide the much-needed help and assistance, while helping you get back on track.

Does Sananga have any connection with any other plants or medical products?

As we mentioned earlier, Sananga does have a good synergy with plant medicines, more specifically Rapé and ayahuasca. That’s the reason why you will find shamans using these compounds along with Sananga in order to boost the benefits of the entire experience. It helps bolster the experience, while also not bringing any type of downsides.

Aside from that, shamans have always relied on Sananga and they tried combining it with other plants in an effort to help bolster its benefits. However, we don’t know of any other plant medicines other than Rapé and ayahuasca that work very well in conjunction with Sananga.

Is any mental and physical readiness needed before experiencing Sananga?

Sananga is a very powerful treatment, especially if you end up having it in its original form. If you’re not in a great mental and physical state, Sananga can take its toll. The hallucinations can be very powerful, and you can end up damaging yourself by mistake. Another thing you need to take into account is that you shouldn’t use it if you have any eye conditions.

While Amazonian tribes are known to take it without any specific training, that’s not the case when it comes to regular people that haven’t been exposed to the Amazonian rainforest. Those tribes already have some readiness built up and they know how to tackle many of the potential health issues that can arise.

What’s interesting about Sananga is that most of the time administering it needs to take place in a calm environment. To receive this treatment the recipient needs to feel safe, but also supported and in a great state of comfort. The main focus is for that person to not only boost their energy levels and solve many eye-related issues, but also have a transformative experience.

That’s where Sananga shines, because its psychoactive effects can help people rethink the way they approach their choices, society and life as a whole. There’s a reason why shamans are near people experiencing Sananga, because they help provide a sense of guidance and assistance, while also lowering the chances of having anything go wrong.

Ideally, you want to use Sananga in a low-light setting. Having someone that administers the drops for you is crucial, even if these can be self-administered. It’s possible to experience a burning sensation, especially if you are just using it for the first time.

Does Sananga have any medicinal properties?

While a lot of people focus on the mental health and eye-opening benefits of Sananga, few of us actually think of the medicinal properties of this treatment. Many studies have shown that Sananga has a very powerful antimicrobial effect. It can help tackle a variety of bacteria, be it some that will bring respiratory and skin infections, but also bacteria that leads to pneumonia. It’s so powerful that even drug-resistant bacteria can get destroyed by Sananga.

Aside from that, Sananga comes with anti-fungal properties. It can help eliminate many fungi species, especially those in the Candida family. Thanks to it, things like mouth and yeast infections are much easier to tackle and handle accordingly.

There are also antioxidant benefits, with research showing that might be the reason why Sananga helps against macular degeneration and issues such as cataracts. Anti-cancer benefits are also present here, and the same thing can be said about the anti-inflammatory effects too.

Should you use Sananga, even if Amazonian tribes have been using it for centuries?

The truth is that people from those tribes have a very specific lifestyle, and they tend to have a lot more endurance when compared to outsiders like us. And even if Sananga has been used for centuries by these tribes, there aren’t a lot of modern studies on the matter. We know, however, Sananga is not toxic, but there can still be some unforeseen side effects.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Sananga might include some alkaloids similar to Ibogaine. There are people that have allergies or can’t stand compounds like these, in which cases it can interfere with their health. If you plan on using commercial Sananga products yourself, it’s a very good idea to talk with a doctor beforehand.


Sananga is an exceptional, albeit enigmatic and rather mysterious treatment that Amazonian tribes have been using for a very long time. While it has some amazing psychoactive effects and it can be very eye-opening, it’s also widely known for its incredible health benefits. That’s why we think Sananga is a very interesting product that everyone should know more about. After all, there’s a reason why all these tribes have been relying it for a very long time. It’s efficient, and it does more than help relieve ailments!